Running Training

Google Rating
Based on 115 reviews
Google Rating
Based on 115 reviews
So you like to run. The wind in your hair, your favourite playlist in your ears, the endorphin rush when you beat your PB. Wherever you are in your running journey, we can help.

Why is running good for you?

It’s a great cardiovascular exercise. It makes your heart pump more efficiently, keeps your arteries elastic so your blood flows smoothly, lowers your blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol – all helping to reduce your risk of heart disease. Yep, it’s a thumbs up from all our personal trainers for running.

How can KBPT help you to become a better runner?

Whether you’re a complete beginner, a now-and-then jogger or a marathon medal-holder, we help you to smash your running goals. Leave it to us to design a personal training programme just for you that might include:

  • How to get started – we’ll give you the confidence to take that first step
  • Training for specific events – a 5km parkrun, a 10km charity race or a 26.2 mile belter of a marathon
  • Advice about trail running and off-road running if you prefer working out in the wild
  • How to improve your running technique – how you breathe, your posture and the way your foot hits the ground can make a massive difference
  • Strength and flexibility training (things like squats and lunges are really useful exercises for runners)
  • Increasing your running speed – pick up the pace as you pound the pavement
  • How to avoid injuries when you’re running
  • Injury rehabilitation so you can get back out there a.s.a.p.

“I’ve been training with KBPT for a year now – primarily in Victoria Park. I initially signed up for help with recovery from surgery for a slipped disk. My trainer is lovely and helped me rebuild strength and return to an active lifestyle. I’ve since run the London Marathon and hit my target of under 4 hours.”
Jennifer McGill


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