Breast cancer blog.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Be breast aware.

We’re big advocates of self-care here at KBPT and that includes getting to know our
bodies so that we can spot any worrying changes. With 1 in 8 women diagnosed with
breast cancer during their lifetime, it’s really important that you check your breasts
As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’ve put together a short breast check
guide and found some useful websites and apps where you can get more information.
Whilst it is more rare for men to get breast cancer, it does happen, so this is for our male
clients too.

1. Check your breasts regularly
It doesn’t matter when you check your breasts, just make sure you do it regularly. Try to
get into a routine of doing it in the shower or when you’re getting undressed before bed.
You might even want to put an alert on your phone or download a breast check app.

2. Touch your breasts
Do you feel anything unusual, like a lump, a swelling or a thickening of the breast tissue?
Are your boobs painful? Don’t forget to check your upper chest and armpits too.

3. Look for changes in your breasts
Are they a different shape or size? Is there any puckering, dimpling, inflammation or a
rash? Are you experiencing any discharge or crusting around your nipples or they are
turning inward? Bear in mind that your breasts might change with age, at different times of
the month and during pregnancy.

4. See your doctor
If you have any concerns about your breasts, make an appointment straight away with
your doctor so that they can examine your breasts. Most breast lumps are not cancerous
but it’s always best to have them checked. Regular breast screenings are also available if
you’re over 50.
Useful websites and apps
Check out the the boob check 101 video on the CoppaFeel website

Go through the Touch, Look, Check advice on the Breast Cancer Now website

Get involved with the Wear it Pink campaign to raise money for vital breast cancer research
Download the Breast Check Now app from the App Store or Google Play if you’d like to
receive breast check reminders

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