Cauliflower and Potato Curry


2/3 cauliflower

2 baking potatoes

1/2 onion

2 tsp on turmeric


1 minced garlic clove

1 can of coconut milk

1 can of chopped tomatoes



Step 1. Peel potatoes and chop into cubes.

Step 2. Wash and chop cauliflower and chop the onion.

Step 3. In a pan, heat olive oil over Medium heat and add onion and garlic. Cook for 10 mins.

Step 4. Next, add in turmeric and cook for a few mins.

Step 5. Add potatoes and cauliflower and cook for 10 mins.

Step 6. Pour in canned tomatoes and coconut milk, bring to a boil. Then simmer for 30 mins.



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