Five fitness goals for 2020

Happy New Year! Did you make any resolutions? Were any of them about your health and
well-being? Setting yourself some fitness goals is a great way to kick off 2020.
Your KBPT trainer can work with you to set some specific exercise and nutrition goals but,
for now, here’s some inspiration to keep you motivated this year…

Goal 1: Work out at least three times a week
Plan ahead and put all your workout sessions in your calendar to help you get into a
routine. If you know that you go to HIIT every Monday, have personal training on
Wednesdays and play squash on Saturdays, you’ll be less likely to say yes to other things
at those times. Think of your sessions as important meetings that can’t be canceled
(except a little sweatier…).

Goal 2: Eat more healthily
What you eat has a big impact on your physical and mental health so make this the year to
focus on your diet. Go for lots of protein (chicken, fish, pulses, eggs, and nuts), fruit,
vegetables, and good fats like avocado and coconut oil. Of course, here at KBPT, we’re all
about balance. So, don’t panic if you’re tempted by a glass of wine or some chocolate –
just get back on track the next day.

Goal 3: Run 5k in under 30 minutes
If you’re not a runner, you could aim to do 20 burpees in a minute or reduce the time of
your bike ride to work by 25%. Or you might decide you want to fit back in your size 12
jeans or reduce your body fat by 10%. Putting a number against your goals makes them
more specific and easier to measure. Be realistic but also stretch yourself. It’s also a good
idea to set a deadline as it creates a sense of urgency – and a date on which you can
celebrate achieving your goal!

Goal 4. Try something new
It’s easy to get stuck in the exercise rut. You enjoy running so you go running. You hate the
gym so you never go. But what if there’s something out there that’s right up your street and
you’ve never tried it? The top exercise trends for 2020 include micro-HIIT, in-home cycling, and hybrid yoga. It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and future-proof your workout.

Goal 5. Get ‘mind fit’
“Workouts for the soul will go mainstream in 2020,” according to a recent article in Metro.
From meditation to yoga, flotation tanks to mindfulness, lots of exercises can help boost
your mental health and well-being. Find out what your local gym offers or, if you prefer to
chill out without even leaving the house, download an app or watch a YouTube tutorial.
A healthy mind = a healthy life.

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