Five foods to make you feel better when sick.

With the weather changing it’s that time of year that our immune systems can let us down. We’ve put together five foods that can help you get back on track quickly. If we eat the right foods they can provide us with energy and help support our bodies to fight off the illness. Foods may also relieve symptoms.

Chicken soup
Chicken soup has been a famous remedy for decades to eat when sick. I think we all have had someone offer to bring us chicken soup when fallen ill. It is famous because its an easy way to source protein, minerals and vitamins which are nutrients the body needs to help heal. Your body also needs even more fluids if you have a fever. Chicken soup is known for clearing nasal mucus quickly.

Yes you heard right, garlic is a popular remedy to health clear a cold and can provide all sorts of health benefits.

It has been used as a medicinal herb for hundreds of years and has demonstrated antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral effects. So now you can freely enjoy a meals packed of garlic whilst fighting a cold.

Coconut water
We all know that staying hydrated is an important part of our diet but did you know that when you are sick its one of the most important things you can do. Coconut water is a perfect drink to sip down when sick as it contains glucose and electrolytes. Hydration is especially important when you have a fever, sweat a lot or have vomiting or diarrhoea as that causes us to lose a lot of water.

Similar to chicken soup broths are excellent sources of hydration while your sick. They are full of flavour and can contain vitamins and minerals. If you drink them while hot, broths also have the wonderful benefit of acting as a natural decongestant because of the hot steam. This is especially helpful if your stomach is unsettled and you are unable to keep down solid foods.

Hot tea
Tea is not only a delicious beverage and great to enjoy with some biscuits its a favourite remedy for many symptoms associated with colds and the flu. Just like chicken soup, hot tea acts as a natural decongestant, helping clear the sinuses of mucus. Tea needs to be hot to act as a decongestant, but it shouldn’t be so hot that it further irritates your throat.

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