Five tips to shifting the Christmas pounds!

– Cut your alcohol consumption right back. Most of us have been having more social meet ups which generally includes more drinking so give yourself a break for January. I always say that the hangover day adds as many calories as the alcohol the night before so if you ensure you don’t have a hangover you wont be lying on the sofa ordering Deliveroo. Instead your Saturday morning could be a run, gym class, swim or something else active.

– Plan your workouts into your diary. The more organised you are the more likely it is to happen. Book your classes, follow a running plan, schedule your times for your home workouts. If you have planned them in they are way more likely to happen.

– Plan your food and write a food diary. Checking what you are eating each day is the first way to spot what needs a tidy up. Remember to ensure you are drinking enough water, getting your 5 a day, eating antioxidants, sprinkling seeds on your salads for omegas. Time to put some goodness back into your body after those boxes of Quality Street!

– Swap meeting your friends for dinner or drinks for a walk or exercise class instead – get active!

– Don’t beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon, dust yourself off and be start again tomorrow.

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