Give your immune system a boost this winter

Your immune system protects your body from infection and illness. It’s a complex network of cells, tissues, organs and other things that you might sometimes take for granted. That is, until you wake up one morning with a stinking cold…


So, how can you help your immune system to keep functioning properly during the colder months? In this article, the KBPT team offers an A-Z (well, almost!) of what you might like to eat to give your immunity a boost. There’s no magic solution here but these are good options to help keep your diet balanced and healthy.



Vitamin E, which is found in almonds, is a powerful antioxidant. Have a few almonds to hand as a healthy snack or replace your usual milk with almond milk.



This is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat as it’s packed with vitamins A, C and K as well as fibre and antioxidants. Steam it as a side dish or make a delicious broccoli soup.



Whether you go for poached or scrambled, eggs are a great breakfast, lunch or dinner option. And with eggs providing essential nutrients for immune health (e.g. selenium and choline), there’s even more reason to enjoy them.



Many ancient civilisations have used garlic for its medicinal properties so why not continue the tradition? Use it in the base of your pasta sauce or treat yourself to some garlic bread when you’re out for dinner.


Herbal tea

What could be better than a nice cup of tea on a cold day… green tea is particularly good for your immune function but you might also like to try ginger tea, liquorice tea or peppermint tea.



This fuzzy-fleshed fruit is high in vitamins, which are good for fighting infection, and fibre, which is good for your digestive system. Try it in a smoothie or mix it into a fruit salad.



Get an immediate hit of Vitamin C, which is thought to help fight infections. Perhaps you could add some lemon to a cup of warm water first thing in the morning?



Did you know that a red pepper contains around three times more vitamin C than an orange? We love to roast them and make red pepper houmous or spicy red pepper soup.



Rich in vitamins A, C, K, antioxidants and beta-carotene, spinach is a go-to ingredient for the KBPT team. Eat it raw in a salad, add it to a smoothie or wilt it down in a curry.



There’s been a lot of talk about the health benefits of ground turmeric recently because it contains curcumin, a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Heat it up with some plant-based milk, maple syrup and cinnamon to make a cup of ‘golden milk’.



Staying hydrated is essential for a healthy immune system. Aim for 6-8 glasses of water a day (mugs of herbal tea count towards this). If you’re super active, you may need even more water.



Live cultures and vitamin D in yogurt can help to support your immune system. Just avoid the ones that contain lots of sugar.


Moderate-intensity exercise also plays an important role in immunity. Contact Kate at to find out how KBPT can help you stay fit and healthy.

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