How to keep your New Years resolutions.

How’s the new decade treating you so far? Managed to fit in some exercise already?
If you set yourself some fitness goals for 2020, here are a few tips for staying positive and
crushing them!

“I’m too busy / too tired…”

Finding time to work out is one of the most common concerns our clients have. With hectic
jobs and lots of other stuff going on, the gym visit or bike ride is often the first thing to drop
off the to-do list. But setting aside two or three hours a week for exercise can have such a
positive impact on all areas of your life, that it’s a win-win. Being fitter helps you to be more
productive, it improves your sleep and it’s a great mood booster. So, next time you feel like
you haven’t got the time or the energy, think about all those benefits and get moving.

“I want to look like Alice Liveing”

Social media is great but it can definitely pile on the pressure to look a certain way. Rather
than comparing yourself to other people, decide what you’d like to achieve by the end of
the year to help you be happier and healthier. Would you find it rewarding to take part in a
race? Does your nutrition need a bit of an overhaul? Would trying something new (Pilates,
cycling, rock climbing… you name it) give you a boost? If you figure out your own needs
and set yourself some personal goals, you’ll be amazed what a difference you’ll see –
make 2020 about you and not the celebs you follow on Instagram.

“I need a quick fix…”

You’ve probably seen lots of promos for miracle diets over the past few weeks… don’t fall
for it! Improving your health and well-being is a long-term commitment. You need to set
yourself realistic goals for the months to come and ensure that your workouts are fun as
well as challenging. Think big but break your plan into small chunks. Perhaps you could
start by downloading a Couch to 5k program or a yoga app? The hardest part of any
journey is taking the first step but it will be so worth it!

If you need some extra motivation, why not join us for personal training at the KBPT studio?

Contact Kate for a free consultation

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