How to lose weight sensibly

If one of your goals for 2023 is to be more healthy and to lose some weight, the KBPT team is here to help. As well as providing one-to-one personal training, we can give you nutritional advice and workouts you can do at home. The health benefits of losing even a small amount of weight are significant so, to kick off the new year, we’ve pulled together some of our top tips.


1. Make healthier food choices

The first thing to do is focus on having a healthy, balanced diet. It should contain plenty of fruit and vegetables, high fibre foods (e.g. brown rice, pulses and wholegrains), lean protein (e.g. chicken, tuna and eggs), water and herbal tea. Try to limit food that is high in fat or sugar (e.g. biscuits, crisps and fizzy drinks) and cut down on beer, wine and other alcoholic drinks. You might like to use the NHS Weight Loss Plan app to set goals and record your progress.


2. Get active

To lose weight, you need to use up more energy than you take in. So, as well as making healthier food choices, you’ll have to move more. We recommend incorporating some form of exercise into each day (this could be as simple as walking to the tube rather than getting the bus) and training with KBPT once or twice a week. If you’ve not exercised for a while, start small and make sure you do something that is fun so that it keeps you motivated.


3. Set realistic goals

Just like you have goals to help you progress in your career, it’s a good idea to set some goals to help you lose weight. Make sure they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) and bear in mind that government guidelines recommend losing weight gradually (1-2 lbs a week). Try to be consistent with your weight loss plan but don’t worry if you have a bad day… just hit the reset button tomorrow morning.


4. Build healthy habits

There’s no short-term fix when it comes to your health so how can you build healthy habits that last a lifetime? Choose a particular goal (e.g. ‘Do an online workout twice a week’), pair it with a specific time and place (e.g. ‘7am every Tuesday and Thursday in my living room’) and repeat each week until it becomes an automatic habit. There are lots of great apps to help you stay on track, such as tomo.


5. Get help from the professionals

One of the best ways to get fit and healthy is to train with someone who knows what works. That’s where KBPT comes in. We’re experts in creating exercise plans based on your individual needs, including for weight loss. Our clients describe us as “friendly”, “enthusiastic”, “motivating” and “fun” and we can train you at home or online. What are you waiting for?


Contact KBPT’s founder at to find out how we can kickstart a healthy 2023 for you!

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