How to survive the festive season

After a few (how can we put this?) frustrating years, it seems like this festive season might be back to some kind of normal. Nights out with mates, work parties, family meals… it’s going to be amazing! But if you’re anything like the KBPT team, you won’t want to wake up in January regretting your December choices.


Here are a few top tips to help you stay on track.



Even if you eat healthily all year, there are so many festive temptations around that it can be easy to overindulge. Try to:


Start the day with a healthy breakfast
Choose healthier options when you’re out for dinner (maybe check the menu online beforehand?)
Make social arrangements that aren’t food-based (e.g. a theatre trip)
Pile your plate with vegetables and lean protein rather than calorie-dense trimmings
Stop eating once you’re full
Have a few sweet treats but don’t overdo it


Many of us tend to drink more alcohol at this time of year, which can have a negative impact on our health and our bank balance. Try to:


Stick to the guidelines – it’s recommended that adults in the UK should drink no more than 14 units of alcohol a week (that’s around six medium glasses of wine or six pints of beer)
Switch to drinks that are lower in alcohol or 0% alcohol and choose sugar-free mixers
Set a budget for booze when you go out and try not to get involved in buying rounds so you don’t have to ‘keep up’ with everyone else
Plan activities that don’t involve going to the pub, such as a cinema night or a walk in the park
Drink more water than you would normally to help you rehydrate


We know you’re probably more busy in December and that you might even be away from home for a few days but you can still exercise – just switch up what you do. Try to:


Find some home workouts on YouTube or in an app – these are a great temporary substitute for your usual gym class or Parkrun
Go for a run, walk or bike ride – getting some Vitamin D and being out in nature has benefits for both your physical and mental health
Speak to your KBPT trainer about doing an online PT session or ask them to set you some ‘homework’
Get the whole family involved – exercising with other people is always good fun
Just do something! Even if it’s only a 15-minute jog or a few yoga stretches, it’s better than sitting on the sofa


The festive season always seems to bring some stresses and strains to the surface, which can take their toll on your wellbeing. Try to:


Plan ahead if you’re hosting family or friends (shop early and ask everyone to bring a dish)
Get enough sleep – make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet with no digital devices to distract you
Prioritise some me-time, whether that’s having a relaxing bath, reading a book or listening to your favourite podcast
Take a break from your screens… of course, there’ll be some Netflix binge-watching but try to balance this with family activities and being outdoors
Aim for an enjoyable December but don’t expect it to be perfect

For more advice on surviving the festive season, read these articles by the British Nutrition Foundation and Happiful


If you’d like to train with KBPT in 2023, email Kate at


Until then, we wish you a very happy and healthy festive season!

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