Love the skin your in.

Love the skin you’re in

Body confidence. It’s become a bit of a buzzword in recent years – controversial when it’s misused (remember the ‘Beach body ready’ ad that was banned a few years ago?); empowering when it’s about loving you for being you.

Here at KBPT, we help our clients to get stronger and healthier. In turn, we see them become happier and more confident in how they look and how they feel. So, what can you do to become more body-positive in 2020?

1. Focus on the good

We all put ourselves down too much so switch your mindset and think about what you’re proud of. Maybe someone has said you’ve got a beautiful smile or you’ve got a pair of jeans you always feel great in. Or you’ve just carried four massive shopping bags up two flights of stairs or you cycle to work every day (even when it’s raining!). Your body is an amazing thing. Focus on that, not your imperfections.

2. Take time off social media

So many body image issues stem from comparing ourselves to others – whether it’s a Hollywood star, a social media influencer, or one of your friends. A digital detox can help you to keep things in perspective. Instead, use the time to hang out with people in the real world who lift you and make you feel good about yourself.

4. Exercise regularly

Challenge yourself to move more. Start with walking to the tube instead of getting the bus or signing up for a local fitness class. You’ll be amazed how much better you feel about your body once you see what it can do. Improving your physical health really can boost your mental wellbeing.

5. Invest in self-care

Take a long soak in the bath. Treat yourself to a mani-pedi. Go for a massage. These kind of me-time activities can have a positive impact. You might even like to try yoga or meditation – both are great ways to start appreciating your body and calming your mind. Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s an absolute necessity.

6. Stand up straight

It sounds simple but it works! You’ll look taller and slimmer but you’ll also feel more confident. Now, get out there and be proud of who you are!

Body confidence is a journey.

Find out how KBPT 

can help you take the first step.

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