Seven workout myths debunked

There are lots of misconceptions about exercise out there so, in this blog, the KBPT team gets to the bottom of some of the most common ones.

If you’re one of our clients and you have any questions about your workouts, have a chat with your trainer. They’ll be able to give you great advice so you know exactly what will work for you.


1. Crunches are the best exercise for losing tummy fat

To target a specific area, such as your stomach, you have to do a combination of strength and cardio training and be in calorie deficit. You can’t simply focus on your abs, you also have to do exercises for your obliques and lower back. Crunches play a role in helping you to tone up but, on their own, they won’t reduce abdominal fat.


2. Weight training will bulk me up

Lots of our clients worry about this but, as long as you use the right weights, you won’t bulk up. Free weights can help you to tone and shape your body.


3. Exercise machines are better than free weights

If you’re a member of a gym, exercise machines can be very useful for targeting a particular muscle group (e.g. your legs). But we prefer free weights here at KBPT. They’re a more effective use of your time as you use additional muscles to stabilise yourself too.


4. First thing in the morning is the best time for my workout

Everyone’s different! It depends on your circadian rhythms (if you’re an early bird or a night owl) and your daily routine (e.g. do you have to do the school run or commute to work?). Perhaps you could try exercising at different times of the day and see what suits you best.


5. No pain no gain

If this phrase brings back bad memories of your PE teacher shouting at you across the playing field, let’s banish it for good! As you probably know by now, the KBPT team is all about making exercise fun, not a chore. Yes, you should feel like you’ve raised your heart rate, you might get a bit sweaty, and you might have some DOMS (muscle soreness), but you shouldn’t be in pain after your workouts.


6. Running is bad for my knees

More than two times your body weight goes through your joints when you run so we recommend building up gradually to running. Start with a fast walk and focus on your form (e.g. lean slightly forward and activate your glutes). If you experience any pain, don’t ignore it – stop and try something else instead.


7. I should exercise every day

All our KBPT trainers recommend that you ‘move’ every day, especially if you’re stuck at a desk most of the time. This could be as simple as a lunchtime walk or a 15-minute online yoga session. You can then add in more strenuous exercise, such as a HIIT workout, ideally three times a week. And don’t forget to take rest days so your body can repair itself.


For more information about workout myths, take a look at these articles on the InStyle and Prevention websites.

If you’d like to find out how KBPT can help you smash your fitness goals in 2022, email Kate at

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