When you’re stressed about work, worried about money, grieving a loved one or generally feeling down, exercise might be the last thing you feel like doing. But it can make a massive difference to your energy levels, mood and self-esteem.
What can you expect from training to boost your mental health with KBPT?
- You can rest assured that KBPT is a safe space for you to talk about your mental health
- As a first step, you’ll have a chat with our founder Kate about how we can help you both physically and mentally
- Your KBPT trainer will be sensitive to your individual needs and any medication you’re taking – if you’ve not exercised for a while, we can start slow and build up
- We’ll make sure that your PT sessions are always fun, motivating and full of positivity
- You can choose to train at home in east London, in a local park or online
- For the days when you’re not feeling great, we’ll help you to incorporate gentle activities, such as yoga and stretching, into your routine
Here at KBPT, we understand how closely connected the body and mind are. If you’re looking for a personal trainer who can help you to focus on improving your mental health, please get in touch.