Cancer Recovery Training

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If you’ve had a cancer diagnosis, we can help you to get gentle exercise back in your life.

What is Cancer Recovery Training?

We work with you to create a personal training plan that you can follow during cancer treatment and as you move forward. At such a challenging time, our KBPT trainers will focus on both your physical recovery and your mental wellbeing. We know you might not want to train in a gym or outdoors if your immune system is low – don’t worry, we can train you in your own home or online.

Why is exercise good for you during and after cancer?

There are no general UK guidelines about this but several studies have shown that exercise is safe and helpful for many people with cancer. Please check with your doctor before starting any physical exercise. The benefits of following a cancer recovery programme with our personal trainers include:

  • Helping you to feel better and able to enjoy a better quality of life
  • Speeding up recovery after your treatment
  • Reducing stress and giving you more energy
  • Lifting your mood so you feel less anxious or depressed
  • Reducing fatigue – regular exercise can help to combat tiredness and feeling weak
  • Protecting you against osteoporosis

“I contacted Kate 2 years ago in the depths of despair following a gruelling couple of years of cancer treatment. I was weak, and afraid to even pick up a bin bag for fear of hurting myself. Kate hooked me up with the lovely Helen on her team, herself a cancer survivor. She’s been training me once a week since, mostly outdoors and I can happily report I’m now able to put the bins out, and so much more. Stronger, fitter, healthier, and mentally better too. Thanks KBPT!”
Carol Finch


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