Sandbell Training

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Based on 115 reviews
Google Rating
Based on 115 reviews
Ah, the sandbell. Such a simple creation but so effective. It’s one of our personal trainers’ faves here at KBPT and lots of our clients agree.

What is a sandbell?

A sandbell is made from durable, stretchy neoprene filled with – you guessed it – sand. This versatile training tool can be used to complete a creative and challenging total body workout.

Why do you use sandbells at KBPT?

We use lots of different free weights with our personal training clients, including sandbells. Because the sand inside them constantly shifts and you have to work to control them, they are a great way to build strength and stability. In addition:

  • Sandbells can be used anywhere – at home, outside or in a gympod. If you’re travelling, you can even take them with you empty and fill them up with sand at your destination!
  • You can get a full body workout or train a particular part of your body with a sandbell and also use them for balance, strength or cardio training
  • They come in a variety of different weights and sizes so they are great for beginner to advanced workouts
  • If you’re looking to increase calorie burn during and after your workout, sandbells are for you

“Helen is a fantastic trainer, she pushes to just the right degree, and motivates me to work in a way that I could never do under my own steam. I love working with her outside in Clissold Park and she brings all the equipment we need for a challenging but fun workout. The hour goes by in a flash and never feels like a chore. She has an amazing energy and is a lovely person to distract / chat to!”
Sophie Vickers


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