Jessie, 39, London Fields

Trained pre and post natal before continuing for her bride-to be-training.

Our KBPT clients have been chatting to us about their experiences doing personal training with us in Hackney and all their comments have been so lovely and positive, we just had to share some of their stories with you too. Meet Jessie, she’s a 39 year old massage therapist who lives in London Fields.

Hi Jessie, it’s great to catch up with you again. We hope you’ve been keeping well. How has 2023 been for you so far?

Hiya, I’m doing great thank you, it’s been great to get back into routine again after a busy Christmas. I found myself really craving getting back into exercise again.

That’s fantastic to hear Jessie, we love our sessions with you too. Tell us how you first found out about KBPT?

I had a massage studio in Netil House, and I met Kate (founder of KBPT) when they had their old KBPT studio there.

There are a lot of fitness options out there at the moment, can you tell us what drew you to KBPT in particular?

That’s easy, I totally loved KBPT’s holistic all-round approach to personal training and I was inspired by the all-female team – I love a bit of girl power!

You’ve been with us 9 years now (wow time does fly!) Can you tell us what your biggest training achievement has been over that time?

I had a baby (who is now coming up to 4 years old) and KBPT really helped me prepare my body for pregnancy. Having someone knowledgeable to support you to keep up training and help build up strength was really useful as it’s hard to know in the moment what you can and can’t do. I suffered really badly from nausea that would sometimes last all day long. You guys were brilliant at being understanding and helping to keep me motivated.

My biggest achievement was when I was post-natal, after having my baby. KBPT helped me rehab myself and that was down to all the training I had done with you guys leading up to the birth.

You were an absolute warrior, Jessie. It was our pleasure to accompany you on your amazing journey. After your baby you came back for more. What was it that pulled you back to us?

I love KBPT’s adaptable approach. I have actually trained with all the KBPT trainers over the last 9 years, and I definitely think they are a cut above the rest. They are such a high standard of personal trainer. I especially love the customised programmes they make for me – it really shows how much they listen and watch you all the time. That’s what keeps me coming back, life is always changing, and their training programmes always meet what I need at that particular time.

That is so lovely to hear. Thank you. So, what is next for you and your KBPT goals?

I have my wedding coming up very soon so I have been training loads so I have great energy but also so I can combat the jet leg as best as possible as the wedding in New Zealand, which is where I’m from. I really cannot wait though, I’m so excited.

My future goals are really to keep strong and toned so I can feel confident in my clothes. Also, I am conscious that I want to be in a good place, with my fitness levels, to tackle the menopause.

It’s so important to maintain perspective and make long term goals. I think they sound really great ones to have. We wish you all the best for your wedding – it sounds amazing!

If you’re ready to chat about personal training or want to explore our options, don’t hesitate to get in touch or check out the different types of training we offer. We’re here to help you find the best fit! 


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