The Power of manifesting

A better job. A country you’d love to visit. A new relationship. These are the kinds of things that manifestation can help you to achieve.


Having gone mainstream with the publication of the ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne in 2006, #manifestation has been tagged millions of times on TikTok and Instagram. But what is manifesting and how can you get started?


The KBPT team decided to take a look at this self-development ritual.


In essence, manifesting involves using the power of your mind and the law of attraction to bring positive things into your life. It has been described as “Turning your dreams into reality” and “Willing your goals into existence”.


The most important thing is to be very clear about what you want. Ask yourself: What are my hopes and dreams? What does my future self look like? Don’t just focus on material things – think about how you’d like to develop your personal qualities and relationships too. And, of course, you might like to try some manifestations that are related to your physical health.


Five manifestation techniques


Experts recommend various techniques to help you manifest – why not try out a few of these and see which one works best for you?


1. Daily affirmations – choose a phrase, such as ‘I attract success’, ‘My body is powerful’ and ’I feel at peace’, and say it out loud to yourself each morning.


2. Journaling – take 10 minutes each day to write down your thoughts, acknowledge what you’re grateful for and identify any roadblocks to getting what you want (for example, a roadblock to getting fitter might be not having enough time in the evenings – you could then try exercising in the mornings).


3. Vision boarding – collect some images of whatever it is you’re manifesting and create a (physical or digital) vision board that you can refer back to.


4. The 369 method – to help you to think about your goal throughout the day, write it down three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon and nine times in the evening.


5. Future box – take an empty box and start collecting materials related to your goal (for example, if you’re saving up to buy your first property, you might include a map of your favourite area, a keyring and some pictures from interior design magazines).


Five useful resources


There are lots of great books, podcasts and apps to support you on your manifestation journey – here are a few suggestions to get you started.


1. Manifest: 7 steps to living your best life – this bestselling book by self-development coach Roxie Nafousi will help you to manifest the life of your dreams.


2. The Mindset Mentor – Rob Dial’s podcast, which is for anyone seeking direction and focus in their life, is the #1 rated motivational podcast on iTunes.


3. Good Vibes, Good Life – we’ve recommended this book by Vex King before as it’s full of inspirational advice on practicing self-care and developing healthy habits.


4. Dear Gabby – with over a million listeners a month, this podcast by Gabby Bernstein provides tips on topics such as positivity, self-worth and visualisation.


5. Women’s Health – in this article, you’ll find an explanation of manifesting, as well as five science-backed steps to achieving your goals.


The KBPT team is here to help you set goals for improving your health and make sure you achieve them!


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