Things not going to plan? How to hit reset and start over

Failure. No one enjoys it. But did you know it’s actually an important step towards success? In this blog, the KBPT team provides advice on how to pick yourself up when things aren’t working out the way you hoped.

“Failure is a necessary staging post on a journey towards greater success.”

Elizabeth Day, author and podcaster


1. Take a moment

If something goes wrong, it’s a good idea to give yourself some space and to fill that space with activities that give you a boost. Think back to all the other times you’ve experienced failure. How did you get back on track? Draw on healthy coping mechanisms you’ve used successfully in the past, such as calling a friend, listening to music or going for a walk.


2. Face your fears

When something goes wrong, it’s easy to get paralysed by fear of failure (or fear of the unknown). You might feel reluctant to do new things or even experience strong feelings of anxiety. If you’re in a spiral of ‘What if…?’ questions, pay attention to your thoughts but don’t judge yourself. You might also like to try some breathing exercises or use a mindfulness app to help you feel calmer.


3. Keep it real

We live in an increasingly curated world – one in which success is celebrated and failures are often hidden from sight. Even a quick scroll through Instagram can be enough to bring you down. Everyone seems to be on amazing holidays, wearing amazing clothes, in amazing relationships… Try not to get too caught up in other people’s lives on social media. Focus on you and embrace your own path.


4. Reframe and refocus

If you see your mistakes as giving you potential for growth, it will be much easier to move forward. Get different perspectives by asking your friends and family for their honest feedback on what happened. Be open to new ideas and don’t take any criticism to heart. You could also identify some new goals (remember to start small) and write out a revised plan of action, then use some visualisation techniques to help you imagine how life will be after you reach your goal.


5. Get inspired

Did you know that the Beatles were once rejected by a major record label? Or that Michael Jordan’s high school basketball coach dropped him from the team? Even the most successful people overcame obstacles to get where they are today. If you need some inspiration, there’s a fantastic podcast called ‘How to Fail’ in which Elizabeth Day interviews celebrities about their failures and what they learnt from them. It’s worth a listen.


If you’re struggling to stay on track with your fitness routine, KBPT can help you! Contact Kate at to find out more about our personal training in East London and online.

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