KBPT meets… Joney McNamara of Wild Women Tea Club

As a small business, we always love talking to other entrepreneurs who have a similar philosophy to KBPT. We recently spoke to Joney, the Somerset-based owner of Wild Women Tea Club, about how she is helping to soothe the female journey through life with her range of delicious herbal teas.


How did Wild Women Tea Club come about?

My background is in hospitality and catering, and I used to own a vintage tearoom in Bristol (Cox & Baloney) with my friend Amy. We experimented with different herbs, such as sage, chamomile and raspberry leaf, so we could blend our own teas.

Some herbal teas don’t prioritise the taste, but we think this is really important – you want your cup of tea to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Our customers always told us that our teas tasted amazing!

When we closed the tearoom, I decided to go ahead with an idea that had been bubbling away for years. Wild Women Tea Club was born during lockdown.


Why do you focus on herbal teas for women?

Women’s hormones change over time and are affected by what we eat and drink. Herbs have an amazing power to heal the body naturally and, when we owned the tearoom, we realised how different blends could help women at different stages in their lives.

We’ve learned through our own personal experiences (I’ve always had terrible period pains, so we designed our Everything’s Rosey tea to help with PMT symptoms) as well as listening to our customers. I’m really proud that our teas are created by women for women.


What do you do to stay fit and healthy – both physically and mentally?

I live in the countryside, so I walk and go running. I also enjoy swimming – during lockdown, I did a lot of wild swimming in local rivers.

I also meditate every day and make sure I take a moment to enjoy our perimenopause support tea. We all have such busy lives… sometimes you just have to slow down.


People seem to be talking more openly about periods and menopause now… how important is this?

Very! It’s great to see more about it in the news and companies introducing policies for e.g. menopause leave but even more needs to be done.

For example, women can experience up to 30 menopause symptoms (hot flushes, brain fog, mood swings etc) and it can feel like you’ve lost your mind! I know a lot of women who go to their GP with a list of symptoms, but they just don’t join the dots.

Our teas are a great first step to balancing your hormones. As you’ll see in our customer stories, they are already helping lots of women.


Which teas would you recommend to the KBPT team and our clients and where can they be bought?

It depends on your stage of life or if you have a specific concern, like anxiety or stress.

Our range includes ‘Lavender Dreams’ (to encourage good sleep), ‘Titty Tea’ (for new mums), Wake Up & Go Go (to restore balance), Vit Hit (to support the immune system), Tropical Sunshine (perimenopause support) and Fly Me to the Moon (menopause support).

You can order our tea boxes from the Wild Women Tea Club website. If you’d like to receive your tea every 28 days, why not subscribe? You’ll save money and you can cancel at any time.


What’s your goal for Wild Women Tea Club?

I want to help other women embrace their hormone journey and support them as their body changes. Of course, I’d like Wild Women Tea Club to become a global brand (I’m currently building the wholesale side) but this is more than a business to me. It’s a community; a place where women can share their stories and be there for one another.


Visit www.wildwomenteaclub.co.uk and follow @wildwomenteaclub on social platforms

Read KBPT founder Kate’s interview about exercising during menopause on the Wild Women Tea Club blog.

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