Yoga and meditation Q&A

We’re all about holistic fitness at KBPT. So, whilst our personal training clients do lots of burpees and mountain climbers as well as strength exercises, we also encourage them to incorporate more gentle activities into their daily lives, such as yoga and meditation. In this blog, we answer some of the questions you might have about these activities.


What is yoga?


Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice rooted in Indian philosophy. It can be traced back thousands of years and has various types, including Ashtanga, Hatha and Vinyasa.


What is meditation?


When you meditate, you clear your mind and train yourself to become more aware and more focused. Meditation, which is also an ancient practice, includes techniques such as guided meditation and mindfulness.


I’ve never done yoga… how do I get started?


We recommend finding a local beginner’s yoga class where you’ll learn about the benefits of yoga and be taught the foundation yoga poses and flows. You might need to try a few different classes and teachers to find the right fit for you (we’ve suggested some east London studios that the KBPT team knows below). Or, if you’d rather try yoga from the comfort of your own home, you could use a yoga app or YouTube channel (we’ve listed a few of these at the end of this article too).


I’ve never meditated… how do I get started?


If you’re new to meditation, you can also attend a class but it’s very easy to start doing it on your own at home or while you’re out for a walk. You’ll find lots of information and videos online and there are various apps to teach you breathing exercises, mantras and other aspects of meditation (check out a few of KBPT’s suggestions below).


What equipment do I need?


The good news is you don’t need much! For yoga, you only need a yoga mat and, as you progress, you might like to get a yoga block and strap. To meditate, you simply need a comfy cushion on the floor and, if you like, some candles. Try to do both activities in a quiet, calm and comfortable environment.


How often should I do yoga or meditate?


Some people do it daily; others when they feel the need. It’s up to you but we’d recommend regular practice to get the most out of it.


What are the main benefits of yoga and meditation?


Both activities have huge benefits for your physical and mental health. Yoga is good for strength, balance and flexibility and can also help you to feel calmer and sleep better. Meditation encourages you to be in the present and can help to reduce anxiety, stress and pain.




Yoga studios in east London


Blithe Yoga (Stratford)


Hotpod Yoga (Hackney)


London Buddhist Centre (Bethnal Green)


Paper Dress Yoga (Hackney)


Pause (Leyton)


Yoga on the Lane (Dalston)


Yoga/meditation apps and YouTube channels


Asana Rebel


Be Mindful






Pocket Yoga


Yoga with Adriene




Are you ready to start your fitness journey?


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